
The Herb Garden & Historical Plants Nursery



National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens, also called Plant Heritage - has 40 local area groups and publishes a number of informative booklets on various plant groups and Genera. Administers the National Plant Collection scheme, details of which can be found online or in the National Collections Directory published each year.

Hardy Plant Society - worldwide famous association of enthusiastic gardeners. It has a number of local groups and specialising groups including the Variegated Plant Group and the Hardy Geranium Group. Publishes a number of informative booklets on various plant groups and Genera.

Herb Society - medicinal and culinary uses of herbs and how to grow them. Full of information and very comprehensive links to all matters related to herbs.

Royal Horticultural Society - now has an online version of the RHS Plant Finder, plus a Nursery Finder (which is limited to those nurseries listed in the RHS Plant Finder). The RHS Horticultural Database is also tied in to the RHS Plant Finder Database and has almost no additional information to the listed names, which may or may not be accepted in botanical realms or the Cultivar registration authority. However a huge website contains a lot of useful information as well as the self-promotion.

Henry Doubleday Research Association, also called Garden Organic - the biggest society for organic gardeners in Europe, including it’s many areas of ground breaking activities, around the world as well as the UK, of course.

The Pelargonium and Geranium Society - UK's specialist society for Pelargonium cultivars, with occasional reference to Hardy Geranium species or cultivars, and Pelargonium species. Recently formed from the amalgamation of the previous two National Societies, British & European Geranium Society and British Pelargonium & Geranium Society.

Geraniaceae Group - international association for amateur and professional growers and enthusiasts of Pelargonium, Geranium, Erodium, Sarcocaulon and Monsonia species.

Mentha website dedicated to mint plants. The information is UK based and includes how to grow them, where to see them, where to get them, details of the National Plant Collections, plus pages specifically on the National Mentha Collection in Wales.





Copyright © Corinne Tremaine